From October 26th 2021, by the decision of the Ministry of Science and Education the Association Sunce was approved with the project Green Student Enterprises – entrepreneurial thinking and actions in the school year 2021/2022.
Project activities are being carried out in cooperation with three high schools: Craft Technical School Split, School of Design, Graphics and Sustainable Construction Split and High School “Braća Radić” – Kaštel Štafilić with the aim of implementing the concept of learning and teaching through sustainable student companies.
The implementation of this project will contribute to the strengthening of the partnership between the Association Sunce and High Schools participating in the project, and also with Croatian Association of school cooperatives (HUUZ). The project contributes to the strengthening of cooperation with the CIDRANI, ImpactHub, and the Association Marjan.
Project activities include:
Renovation and design of the Association Marjan kiosk located in the Forest Park Marjan and the use of the kiosk for the sale and promotion of sustainable student products and their companies. The activity is implemented in partnership with the Association Marjan and includes the following sub-activities:
- The Association Marjan sales kiosk renovation and decoration
- Presentation of sustainable student companies and product sales
- The Association Marjan sales kiosk promotion
Production, promotion and distribution of Handbook with working title “Student Green Enterprises – Promoting Sustainable Entrepreneurial Thinking”. The activity is carried out in partnership with HUUZ as an umbrella organization for student cooperatives in the Republic of Croatia and includes the following information:
- Creating of ahandbook
- Promotion and distribution of the handbook
This project and its results will contribute to a better recognition of the Association Sunce as an important stakeholder in education for sustainable development at the local and national level. Public presentation of the Project and the handbook, presentations at professional gatherings about the HUUZ organization and the Education and Teacher Training Agency, as well as the distribution of the handbookin and outside the Republic of Croatia will contribute to a greater popularization of sustainable student companies, encouraging cooperation and involving project partners in such and similar projects.
The funds obtained co-finance the project that the Association Sunce implemented from the beginning of 2020: Sustainable student companies in Croatian high schools – Green enterprises promote entrepreneurial thinking and actions among young people in Croatia.
Project manager: Margita Radman, mag. biol. et oecol.,
- E-mail: [email protected]