Civil society development

Cooperation is an important driver and the foundation of our action. We contribute to the development of civil society in the environmental protection sector and other sectors through numerous activities that we carry out in cooperation with associations, institutions, and organizations at the local, national, and international levels.

We are involved in the work of numerous networks of associations. We get involved in the work of networks by engaging in the management structures of networks, exchanging information, knowledge, and experience, and taking a unique approach to issues of common interest, including those related to the areas of work of Sunce and the work of civil society organizations.

We are actively involved in the adoption and monitoring of the implementation of numerous strategic and planning documents at the national and local levels, related to the development of civil society, such as the National Strategy for Creating a Stimulating Environment for the Development of Civil Society.

Our employees participate in the work of numerous working groups and bodies at the local and national levels, through which they strive to contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development and by contributing through their engagement to the development of participatory democracy.

We provide support to numerous local associations and civic initiatives in their efforts aimed at protecting the environment while also organizing their own activities.

Through the implementation of our activities, we directly contribute to education and information about the importance and role of public participation and the importance of civic engagement, especially among young people through their direct involvement in volunteering and service-learning.

All these activities contribute to the further strengthening and development of civil society in Croatia.

National networks:

                 Croatian Green Phone Network, we have been a member of the network since 1999.               
Zeleni forum  Green Forum, we have been a member of the network since 1999, a member of the coordination consisting of ten associations from the Network.

International networks:

    EEB from Brussels, we have been a member of this network since 2006
  .    CEEweb from Hungary, we have been a member of this network since 2006.
         AdriaPAN from Italy, we have been a member of this network since 2009.
  MedPAN from France, we have been a member of this network since 2009.
      BioNET BioNET – The Network of Biodiversity Related Civil Society Organizations in South-East Europe, we are a member of this network since its founding in 2018

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