Through its years-long work, Association Sunce has shown how much it can contribute to the protection and the conservation of nature and the environment. We have shown that we have achieved results thanks to our professionalism, persistence, and enthusiasm.
Precisely because of that, our impact on specific issues concerning the protection of nature and the environment continuously grows and goes beyond the borders of the Republic of Croatia.
Help us to become even more efficient in safeguarding the right of the general public to a healthy environment and a protected nature, as well as in contributing to the rational use of natural resources for the wellbeing of all citizens.
Your donation directly supports the protection of nature and the environment as well as contribute to the sustainable development!
Choose your way of donating
Donation are possible via general payment slip or mBanking and from abroad
Even the smallest donation can make a difference to us. It might not be enough to “save the planet”, but it will be enough for us to see that you support our efforts, thereby motivating us further.
“Even as humankind spends billions of dollars in the hope of detecting the faintest echoes of life on Mars, the only place in the universe where we know that life exists has rapidly been losing its distinguishing characteristic, its biological diversity, the diversity of genes, species, and ecosystems.” – Elliot A. Norse and Larry B. Crowder