If you want to establish or improve a student cooperative, strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of your students, or improve the methods and tools of working with young people, we have a handbook for you!
The Sunce’s new handbook Participate in Sustainable Development Understand – Implement – Shape: Sustainable Student Companies in Croatian High Schools is intended primarily for educational workers in secondary schools, but also for other youth workers. The focus of the handbook is on ways to improve the entrepreneurial skills of young people, but also to improve their environmental awareness by working in student companies. The handbook presents the current situation with student companies in Croatia, examples of good practice and various participatory methods and workshops that can be used to motivate students and empower them to enter business independently. Workshops and methods of work can be used in everyday work outside the student cooperatives. Also, the handbook contains practical materials for working with young people (worksheets, organizational maps), but also the necessary documentation for the establishment of a student cooperative for those schools that are yet to expand student practice. The handbook is now available in Croatian and in English.

It was officially presented on February 28 at the SPINIT Incubator as part of the projects Sustainable Student Companies in Croatian Secondary Schools – Green Enterprises Promote Sustainable Entrepreneurial Thinking and Action of Young People in Croatia and Green Student Enterprises – Entrepreneurial Thinking and Actions.