When it comes to environmental protection and sustainable development, young people do not acquire sufficient knowledge in this area during the formal educational process. At the same time, very few of them are encouraged to engage in environmentally responsible behaviour and actively participate in environmental protection. This has resulted in the current poor state of the environment.
The implementation of numerous activities of Sunce for young people include education through thematic programs, service-learning, student internships, local and international volunteering. These activities emphasize the need for young people to learn about the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development. They also encourage the application of theoretical knowledge in environmental protection, the development of entrepreneurial skills, and the strengthening of leadership abilities and motivation for initiating changes among young people.
The lack of experiential knowledge and practice, along with a shortage of engagement and initiative in starting initiatives, negatively affects young people’s integration into the job market. These skills and experiences can be gained through volunteering, familiarization with the workings of the informal sector and the job market, involvement in non-governmental organizations, and the implementation of their own ideas through the planning and execution of personal projects.
Project goals:
The general goal of the project is contribution to the strengthening of active engagement and greater involvement of young people in local environmental protection policies and the achievement of sustainable development in local communities.
The specific goal of the project:
1. Increase the knowledge and skills of 40 young people for active engagement in environmental protection and sustainable development of the local community.
The involved youth consist of students from the Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Law, University Department for Maritime Studies, Faculty of Economics, students from the School of Graphic Design and Sustainable Construction, as well as young unemployed individuals. Through their participation in the education programs outlined in the project (service-learning, professional internships, youth seminars, volunteering program), they will enhance their knowledge and skills for active engagement in environmental protection. By working on service-learning local projects focused on environmental protection and sustainable development within the education program, young individuals will gain knowledge and skills related to project proposal development and project cycle management – from “idea to implementation”. This will also lead to improvements in their personal and professional skills, teamwork abilities, and provide them with valuable experience in working with civil society organizations.
2. Strengthen the networking and cooperation of stakeholders in the education of young people for environmental protection and sustainable development.
In the implementation of the education program, we will cooperate with association Info zona as a partner association that deals with informing and educating primarily young people, but also other citizens of Split, four faculties of the University of Split and the School of Design, Graphics and Sustainable. Through the implementation of the project activities, intersectoral cooperation for the education of young people for environmental protection and sustainable development will be strengthened.
Project activities:
- Project implementation of Service-Learning and student practice:
- Mobilizing young people for active involvement in the local community and participation in project activities (Youth Seminar and volunteering)
- Preparation and implementation of Youth Seminar (1. Environmental protection and active participation; 2. Nature protection and active participation; 3. Education for communication and public advocacy and strengthening of leadership skills, 4. Project proposal development and project management cycle.)
- Development and implementation of a program for long-term volunteering by local young volunteers
- Project promotion
Expected project results:
- Gaining experience of active engagement for environmental protection
- Sustainable development in the local community
- Inclusion of young unemployed people in volunteering programs
- Acquiring knowledge and competences especially for the preparation and reporting of project proposals, but also work experience such as project implementation
- Improving the skills and knowledge of young people contributed to their easier integration into the work market
- Encouraged environmentally responsible behaviour and active engagement thus contributing to an increase in the number of individuals and reaching the necessary critical mass that will improve the attitude towards the environment in the local community.
Lead Partner: Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sunce
Project partners: Association Info zona
Duration of the project: 01.01.2023.-31.12.2023.
Financing: Total Project budget: 12.800,00 EUR
Programme funding within the available funds from the budget of the City of Split: 2.200, 00 EUR
Project manager in Sunce: Margita Radman, mag. biol. et oecol.
E-mail: [email protected]