New Green phone Network publication was published YOU CAN DO IT TOO! – Independent and Active Citizens in Environmental Protection “with the aim of encouraging citizens to participate more effectively in addressing environmental problems, thereby seeking to raise awareness of the need for environmental protection and nature while at the same time directly contributing to the protection itself.
The Green phone service (072 123 456) has been working and developing successful co-operation with citizens for 26 years and this brochure is a collection of the most commonly reported environmental problems and the ways in which the citizens can solve them individually. The publication thus offers twenty solutions to twenty environmental problems.
However, the acquisition of the knowledge and skills that the booklet offers does not mean you have to give up calling on the Green phone! Although you can solve the case yourself, you always have strong support. Together we stand firmly in the effort to protect our beautiful environment and nature.
Download the digital version of the brochure here.
A printed copy of the publication can be downloaded by the Green phone activist. For Splitsko-dalmatinska and Dubrovnik-Neretva County it is the Green phone of the Association Sunce Split. For other Green phone services, visit the Croatian Green phone Network.
This booklet was created within the framework of the project “Environmental Partnership: Development of the Environmental Protection Capacity of the Public and Civilian Sector in Croatia by Using the Green Phone Service” funded by the European Union and co-financed by the Office of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
The content of this release is the exclusive responsibility of the Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sunce and can in no way be considered to reflect the views of the European Union and the Government Office of Croatia for the associations.