Natura 2000 in Croatia

It is our pleasure to present a brief informational video for the public – NATURA 2000 – the pride of Croatia, created as part of the project “Together for Nature Conservation – Natura 2000 in Croatia“. By joining the EU, Croatia has become part of the NATURA 2000 ecological network, the largest coordinated network of conservation areas in the world (over 30,000 areas and 20% of EU territory).

It represents the foundation of sustainable economic development, puts nature in the service of man, but at the same time protects natural processes, habitats and species. NATURA 2000 means a man in nature, not nature without the man. This is the message we want to reach out to the public due to the frequent misperception that protected areas block economic development while the truth is just the opposite.

A research has shown that only 4% of EU citizens know what Natura 2000 is. LET’S BE BETTER IN CROATIA – SUBMIT THIS VIDEO!

As Baba Dioum, Senegal scientist and nature guardian said, “In the end we will only preserve what we love, we will only love what we understand and understand only what we have learned.”