On the occasion of marking the Earth Day 2013, the Sunce Association held a lecture on the harmfulness of using one-time plastic cups in kindergartens. In order to encourage kindergartens to change, we have offered each kindergarten which, during 2013, replaces one-time plastic cups with reusable ones, a reward, depending on the speed of realization of this “venture”.
We are pleased to announce that the “Popaj” kindergarten (Benkovačka 2, Split) also listened to our advice and thus earned the prize – a Green Trip to Marjan!
The kindergarten replaced one-time plastic glasses with those of the “rostfrei” material, but they did not stop there … They also got hygienic cabinets and engraved signs on the glasses. Children pour water out of the jug with a lid and place the glasses in the labeled enclosure in the cabinet. The cleaning ladies daily wash the glasses and place them in the partitions. That everything is clean and works well, say educators Ljiljana Buljan and Anđelka Tomić.
We hope that other kindergartens will recognize that they themselves can contribute to the preservation of our planet Earth and to sustainable development and to stop with this unnecessary consumer habit. Those kindergartens who decide to do so by the end of 2014 will also be rewarded with a Green Trip to Marjan.