In light of the fact that numerous forests have unfortunately burnt down during the recent fires in Dalmatia, we have carried out a study on “Assessment of the Marjan Park Forest Ecosystem Service” (MFP), created under the project “Responsible for Nature” co-financed by EU funds and the Association’s Office. We expect information and education of the general public, as well as competent forest value institutions, to contribute to their future protection and renewal, as well as the preservation of the Marjan Forest Park.
Specifically, in the “Estimation of the Marjan Forest Park Ecosystem Service”, the total value of the forest ecosystems of Marjan Forest Park is estimated at 141.608.400 HRK per year. Value of forest ecosystem services applies only to forests in 2/3 of the Marjan Forest Park. The real value of the ecosystem service of MFP is, therefore, higher than the estimated value”.
It is clear that this study confirms that the Marjan Forest Park represents the most valuable part of nature in the city of Split. Its surface should not be reduced due to the services it provides to all residents of the city of Split and other visitors. Protection and management of the Forest Park Marjan should be directed to the maintenance and improvement of all services of this ecosystem.
The study was made by Prof. Tikvić from the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Zagreb in cooperation with the employees of the Sunce Association, the Marjan Society, the Public Institution Marjan Forest Park and the Faculty of Economics in Split. From December 2016 to February 2017, three workshops in Split were organized, among which 26 were ranked among the most important to the least important.
According to the study, the most important services of the forest ecosystems of MFP are:
Creating clean and fresh air,
Natural recreation area and
Providing a natural holiday space.
Very important services of forest ecosystems of MFP are:
Oxygen creation,
Natural space for educational activities and
Protection against soil erosion.
The important services of the forest ecosystems of MFP are:
Aesthetic function in landscape and environment,
Regulating water flow and surface drainage,
Natural and cultural space for tourist visits and
Increasing the quality of life of citizens living near the forest park.
In the study, according to available information, it was concluded that the areas of forest and other ecosystems in the Forest Park Marjan need to be detailed and mapped for the needs of future estimates of ecosystem services and detailed planning of management of all parts of the Marjan Forest Park.
Throughout the study it was also concluded that all those who try to reduce and usurp the area of the Marjan Forest Park show an improper relationship with nature because they put their personal interests above the interests of the ecosystem in which they live in and thus diminish themselves, as well as all the other community members of the Marjan Forest Park and the whole people all the services nature provides to people and other organisms.
You can read the complete Evaluation with the detailed methods used to evaluate the services and the service value calculations on this link. With the Estimate, we have prepared the following documents that you can read by clicking on the link: Preface, Summary and Conclusion.
We believe that the knowledge and concrete data from the Evaluation will help improve the protection, maintenance and management of MFP which is in the interest of all citizens of Split and its surroundings. A shortened version of this study, as well as a description of other activities related to MFP, carried out under the project “Responsible for Nature” together with the Marjan map are in the brochure prepared by the Marjan Society and the Association Sunce. You can get your copy of the brochure free of charge at the Association Sunce or at the Marjan Society.