The green phone has an open call line for citizens for problems related to the environment.
Calls made to the number 072 123 456 from the land lines from Split-Dalmatia and Dubrovnik-Neretva County are received by the Green Phone of the Sunce Association.
We are now deep in the second half of 2014 so it’s time to let you know about the Green Phone’s work in the past half-year.
The green phone received a total of 153 calls, out of which 100 cases (65%) were solved.
Thirty-eight calls related to waste(48%), six more than at the same time last year, are already traditionally at the top of the ladder. Citizens, other than separate waste collection, are increasingly interested in how much their local self-government is fulfilling their obligations under the new Waste Management Act, which is a great pleasure for us as we witness the moment citizens take the initiative, are informed and actively involved in the proceedings that take place in their environment.
Calls rečated to waste are followed by calls related to the problem of illegal construction (21) and those related to greenery (15). Also in the “miscellaneous” section (15 cases) we find a variety of inquiries related to the municipal problems of the city of Split (most of the calls are sent from Split – total 87), such as posters, graphites, old city center, etc.
The Green Phone continues with its work which we will notify you about in early 2015!