For many years, the Association Sunce deals with the success of the management of protected areas of Croatia, so the turn came to our Marjan forest Park. The Marjan Forest Park is of utmost importance to the city and its inhabitants: the “lungs of the city”, which are at the same time the symbol of Split. Due to the biological age of the forest, the intensified drying of pine trees, the frequent remarks of citizens regarding the protection and maintenance of the Marjan forest Park received at Green phone and the previously observed activities of forest maintenance, as part of the project “Responsible for nature” approved under the EU IPA 2012 ” Building Local Partnerships for Open Governance and Fight Against Corruption in Responsible Management of Natural Resources “the elaboration of the “Survey of forest status in the Marjan forest Park in Split” was started .
Based on the available documentation and field insight, the study was done by a Milan Arvay, authorized judicial expert for forestry. In the Elaborate you can read about the actual condition of the Marjan forest Park, all accompanied by forest pictures and relevant documents.
You can read the full Elaborate on this link (the Elaboration for web version is with reduced quality of photos, so if you want a better quality version, please let us know at [email protected] and we’ll send you an email). Along with Elaboration we have prepared the following documents that you can read by clicking on the link: Foreword, Summary and Conclusions and Recommendations.
We believe that the data from Elaborate will help improve the protection, maintenance and management of Park forest Marjan, which is in the interest of all citizens of Split and its surroundings.