How many times have you been walking around the city and noticing an “unpleasant” environment and you did not know who or how to report it? Do you sometimes find yourself in the street, in the yard, in the sea and you are bothered by uncontrolled waste, unsanctioned streets or vegetation? You may not have been familiar with the free service but it is already time for you to become acquainted and become our “eye” on the streets of Split, all in order to maintain our city just as we have been presenting it for centuries. was launched last year by the Sunce Association as part of the Together for Nature and Environment project co-financed by the European Union from the Social Fund. The project leader is the Sunce Association and the role of the associate is the City of Split.
The way the service is run is quite simple (it takes only four steps) and besides, you can report a particular problem and you can also suggest its solution. The Sunce’s legal team is acting on each call received as an intermediary between you, active citizens and competent institutions. Here we have to point out that your identity as a subscriber is fully protected (all calls are anonymous) and there may be an additional incentive for you to participate actively in solving the environmental problems we are witnessing on a daily basis.
At the beginning of the tourist season, the number of applications for service is increasing, which is absolutely understandable and logical. However, the arrival of tourists and the opening up of earnings opportunities should not be the primary reason and cause of reporting environmental problems. Namely, by actively participating in the editing of our city, we primarily maintain our environment, our home and our sea. The greater number of applications at means a greater possibility of solving these problems and the aim of the service is to completely decorate Split’s environment to the general satisfaction of all citizens.
Please let us know, help us to clean Split in the future.
Ivana Krstulović Grubišić, mag.iur.
Lawyer/Collaborator on the Environmental Program
Gsm: 095/5659976
e-mail: [email protected]