Today, more and more people understand the importance of preserving the environment and want to reduce the negative impact of everyday activities on nature. However, practice often needs to catch up to theory. This is also visible in the hospitality sector. That’s why Sunce organized a Green Hospitality workshop for students of the first grade of the Tourism and Hospitality School in Dubrovnik on the premises of the Dubrovnik Development Agency.

The Green Hospitality workshop focused on ways of environmentally responsible action in the hospitality sector, emphasizing composting and reducing single-use plastics. The goal of the education was to raise awareness of the importance of preserving nature and the environment among future restaurateurs and encourage them to think about how they can reduce the negative impact of their activities on the environment.

One of the most essential practices in the hospitality sector is reducing single-use plastics. At the workshop, students learned about how plastic negatively affects the environment, how to reduce the use of single-use plastic in the catering sector, and about alternative solutions that can be used instead of single-use plastic.
Some alternatives to single-use plastic can be found here: LINK

Another important topic at the Green Hospitality workshop was composting. As students learned, composting is breaking down organic waste into valuable organic matter that can be used to grow plants. It is a fundamental process for preserving the environment because it reduces the amount of waste in landfills. Participants had the opportunity to discuss how to integrate composting into their future hospitality practices.

This workshop was beneficial for students who plan to work in the hospitality sector. As future restaurateurs, they will play a significant role in sustainable development and environmental preservation. Through practical examples, students acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for responsible and sustainable business.
Sunce showed once again how exciting and interactive education can be.
– It was good for me. It was very interesting and instructive, and I enjoyed how the topic was interpreted. I will most benefit from new information about single-use plastics and legal regulations. I will use less single-use plastics in everyday life – a student in the 1st grade at the Tourism and Hospitality School in Dubrovnik.
The workshop was held as part of the Plastic Smart City Dubrovnik project. This project was approved and co-financed as part of the public call for co-financing projects of associations in the field of environmental and nature protection of interest to the City of Dubrovnik for 2022.