Based on years of experience in drafting management plans, the Sunce Association will support the Public Institution for the Management of Protected Areas in Split-Dalmatia County during the project “Nature of Dalmatia” in the process of drafting this strategic document defining the vision, goals and activities to be carried out in protected areas in the next ten years. The plan will be developed through the involvement of stakeholders, which is one of the fundamental principles of sustainable management of protected natural values. Targeted stakeholders will be involved in workshops and by conducting conversations.
On Friday, October 10, 2014, the first of a total of 6 internal workshops with the Public Institution was held for the purpose of drafting a Management Plan during which the project “Nature of Dalmatia” was presented to the employees of the Public Institution, presenting the process of drafting the Plan, and in the work part, the elements of the vision for the protected counties, SWOT analysis of the institution and stakeholder analysis were made.