The Prefect of the Split-Dalmatia County Blaženko Boban and the Executive Director of Association Sunce Gabrijela Medunić-Orlić signed an agreement on cooperation in the Dalmatia Green program for environmentally responsible management of small tourist facilities.
Dalmatia Green is a certificate for private tourist accommodation facilities that have decided to green their business and provide guests with a unique stay in harmony with nature and the local community. It is designed to single out ecological accommodation facilities from classic renters, to which it brings credibility and recognizability.
Association Sunce as the holder of the Dalmatia Green program is in charge of certification of small tourist accommodation facilities in the Split-Dalmatia County, whose owners apply for co-financing through the Program to improve the quality of tourist offer in the Split-Dalmatia County, as well as control the implementation of measures and criteria, providing support to members, in order to improve environmentally responsible facility management. The Split-Dalmatia County has agreed to include the cost of certification as an eligible cost of the Program for raising the quality of the tourist offer in the Split-Dalmatia County and possession of a certificate as a condition for obtaining County support.