On the occasion of the European Mobility Week and the celebration of Car Free Day, the Association Sunce is organizing the tenth Split Bicycle Tour.
In the week from 16 to 22 September, we invite you to take your bicycle to work, to your favorite cafe, to the beach or just for recreation, and along the way record, with a picture or video, all the problems, but also good solutions already implemented, as well as your suggestions related to the cycling infrastructure situation and the Association Sunce will award the best announcements with over 20 different awards from our sponsors and partners.
In order to be eligible for the prize, images or recordings need to be shared as a post on Facebook or Instagram and tagged to Association Sunce.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors and donors of this event.
We are especially grateful to the Tourist Board of the City of Split, our long-term donor who supports us at this event as well.