As part of the project, Students learn about civic engagement – socially useful learning in nature and the environment, the Sunce Association organized a study trip to Germany for 11 participants from 19 to 24. June 2016.
The participants of the trip were professors of the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, University Department for Sea Studying of Split and the University of Split, as well as employees of the Association Sunce.
The purpose of the study tour was to visit universities that carry out programs of socially useful learning (Service – learning) focusing on the environmental theme:
University of Erfurt and NaturErlebnisGarten “Fuchsfarm” in Erfurt, Germany.
University of Kassel and the association Die Kopiloten e.V. in Kassel, Germany.
University of Duisburg-Essen and UniAktiv in Essen, Germany.
Ideas given in Germany will be adapted by Sunce, together with the professors, in order to transfer the knowledge to the students and start implementing it in the academic year 2017 – 2018. for students from 4 faculties of the University of Split.
The goal of socially useful learning is to link civic engagement and learning into practice so that, as part of its programs, other activities, students will also participate in organizing the celebration of environmental days that Sunce traditionally organizes.
In the manual to be developed at the end of the two-year project (end 2017), programs of socially useful learning from Germany and Croatia will be presented.
The project is funded by the German environmental foundation The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), one of the largest European foundations promoting innovative environmental projects.