Natura 2000

NATURA 2000 is an ecological network composed of areas important for the conservation of endangered species and habitat types of the European Union. Its goal is to preserve or re-establish the favorable status of more than a thousand endangered and rare species and about 230 natural and semi-natural habitat types.

NATURA 2000 is the largest coordinated network of conservation areas in the world. When Croatia becomes a member of the European Union, its rich biological and landscape diversity will be included in this incredible network and will become the key jewel in the European jigsaw puzzle.
So far, around 30,000 areas have been included in this ecological network in nearly 20% of the EU’s territory, making it the largest system of preserved areas in the world.

NATURA 2000 is based on EU directives (the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive), areas are selected by scientific standards and in the management of these areas, the interests and benefits of the people living in them are taken into account. The European Union (EU) has committed itself to protect biodiversity and halt its loss in Europe by 2020.

Thanks to two directives, countries are able to coordinate their conservation activities regardless of their political or administrative boundaries.