PL: My name is Predrag Lazarevski, I have 26 years and some months more, I am coming from Macedonia, by profession I am Surveying engineer. In my free time I act like a tour guide and also as an amateur photographer, although I strive to become a professional. I love travel, adventure, new experiences and adventures.
Q: Why did you sign up to take part in this project?
PL: I am a member of an association that deals with similar topics as association Sunce, noted that their work combines a lot of what we do in our association, and decided to apply.
Q: Why did you end up choosing Split (and Croatia) for your projects?
PL: I really like Croatia as a destination, especially Split, since my father lived here and I wanted to relive his experience, as much as it can be experienced, having in mind that it is 30 years apart.
Q: What were your first impressions of Split?
PL: Great, positive and nice city. The smell of the sea and the beautiful sunsets are indescribable. And of course, the view from the office is phenomenal.
Q: Do you have a message to share with young people who are considering taking part in Erasmus+ activities?
PL: Go ahead! Find what suits you and Go for it. The experience gained at the international level is indescribable. You become more independent, motivated, self-confident and immensely more positive. Trust me, you going to thank me later.
Q: What do you miss most from Macedonia?
PL: People that are dear to me, but in today’s age of Internet technology, this is not such a big problem.