Earth Day 2014

As part of the Earth Day marking, on April 22, 2014, numerous activities were organized in the organization of the Sunce Association.
Together with Čistoća d.o.o. Split, we organized a competition for primary schools of Split and its surroundings. The award ceremony was held on April 23, 2014 in the premises of Čistoća d.o.o. A total of 60 students and professors participated.
We congratulate the winners and look forward to the upcoming excursions!

Category Higher Classes (5-8):

1. Elementary School “Marjan
2. Elementary School “Blatine-Škrape

Category Lower Grades (1st to 4th):

1. Elementary School “Skalice
2. Elementary School “Skalice

Immediately after, on April 24, 2014, the Info zona lecture “Responsible waste management – reduce, reuse and recycle in kindergartens” was held primarily for kindergartens. We hope that the message about termination of one-time plastic cups will reach at least one educator. The lecture was also organized with the collaboration of Čistoća d.o.o., mostly attended by lecturers and students of the Natural Science and Technical School, a total of 34 participants.

On Sunday, April 27, 2014, the sale of children’s goods and equipment was organized by the Sunce Association and Roda Association. The deal was very successful as there were 30 exhibitors and about 300 visitors! Part of the earned income, exhibitors donated for humanitarian purposes.

Thank you all for your participation and we hope that next year’s Earth Day marking will be successful!