Conference “Student Green Businesses – Promoting Sustainable Entrepreneurial Thinking”

As part of the project “Sustainable Student Companies in Croatian High Schools – Green Companies Promote Sustainable Entrepreneurial Thinking and Action of Young People in Croatia” Association Sunce, in cooperation with the Croatian Association for Student Cooperatives (HUUZ) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Umwelterziehung (DGU), organized a two-day conference “Student Green Businesses – Promoting Sustainable Entrepreneurial Thinking” on December 10th and 11th for 22 participants. Lecturer Alexander Schabel, head of sustainable business development and senior project manager at The Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability introduced Croatian schools to the process of developing the first ideas for the implementation of a sustainable student company (sustainable business canvas), while Robert Lorenz, project manager at the German Society for Environmental Education and Protection (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Umwelterziehung), showed German examples of good practice. The secretary of HUUZ, Blanka Horvat, presented the current situation of student cooperatives in Croatia, comparing Croatian examples to the German ones. A more detailed situation in the Split-Dalmatia County was presented by Josipa Banić as the head of the HUUZ Branch of the Split-Dalmatia County. With a good theoretical background, the second day of the conference we started with the intention of developing a practical idea for ​​sustainable business companies: High School Braća Radić – Kaštel Štafilić, Craft and Technical School Split and School of Design, Graphics and Sustainable Development. Through various interactive online tools, representatives of the Association Sunce guided students and teachers participating in the project through the process of thinking and creating ideas for the establishment of sustainable student companies in high schools and networking with existing ones.
