Students learn citizenship – Service-Learning for nature conservation and environmental protection

On 1st January 2016 Association Sunce started with a new project Students learn citizenship – Service-Learning for nature conservation and environmental protection with the duration of 2 years.

Project is financed by German foundation The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), one of the largest European foundations which is promoting innovative environmental projects.

Associates on the project: Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesFaculty of Chemistry and TechnologyFaculty of Economics and University Department of Marine Studies all from University of Split.

The objectives of the project and project activities:

Support civic engagement and to raise public awareness with a special focus on environmental protection.

Specific objectives:

1. Education and empowerment of young people for active citizenship participation and mobilization of volunteering in environmental sector on Sustainable Waste Management and Sustainable Tourism issues through service-learning.

2. Encouraging and improvement of participation of young people in research, educational and public awareness activities related to Sustainable Tourism and Sustainable Waste Management issues.

3. To increase the public awareness on importance of Sustainable Waste Management and Sustainable Tourism issues through environmental days celebration and public presentation in cooperation with media.


Following activities and supporting methods are planned in order to reach project overall and specific objectives:

·         Identification of good practice of Service-Learning with focus on environmental and nature protection at Universities in Germany

·         Introductory Workshop on project and service-learning programme for the representatives of all partner Faculties

·         Learning from the practice; visit to examples of service-learning at Universities in Germany with workshop

·         Training on coaching, project management and collaborative work with young people.

·         Development of the concept of a service-learning program with an environmental focus on the issues “Sustainable Waste Management” and “Sustainable Tourism”

·         Internal workshops with representatives of each partner Faculty

·         Development of the concept of a service-learning program with an environmental focus on the issues “Sustainable Waste Management” and “Sustainable Tourism”

·         Drafting of 4 service-learning programmes

·         Implementation of a service-learning program with an environmental focus on the issues “Sustainable Waste Management” and “Sustainable Tourism

·         Organization of different public events as part of international environmental days’ celebrations

·         Promotion of volunteering, experience and knowledge sharing: Preparation and organization of lectures for students;

·         Preparation, promotion and distribution of the handbook

The total value of the project is 125.826,02, with EUR 65.514,00 being secured by the DBU and the remaining amount of EUR 63.312,02 is co-financed by the Sunce Association funds.
