Courses of interpretation of the value of Nature parks!

During the implementation of the project “SEA-Med: Sustainable Economic Activities in Mediterranean Marine Protected Are” there was a need for organizing a training workshop that would bring the tourism sector and Park employees closer to the interpretation of the value of protected areas.

By educating local providers of tourist services to use a more interesting, interactive presentation of natural and cultural heritage, we directly influence the increase of visitor satisfaction. Therefore, Association Sunce and the WWF Association organized two training workshops for the tourist agencies “Value interpretation” of Telašćica Nature Park and the Nature Park of Lastovo. With these courses, Association Sunce contributes to strengthening the capacity of tourist agencies to actively engage in the planning and development of sustainable tourism activities in these Nature Parks.

Over 20 participants learned more through theory and practice about interpretation, its principles and goals, the importance of cooperation and joint planning of tourism.

The conclusion of all participants is the need for further networking and collaboration to enhance the consciousness of the educational value of protected areas in the local community and future visitors.
