Complete chaos in Croatian politics – drilling Adriatic

The complete chaos of the political system is re-emerging even out of the borders of our beautiful country. While the Minister Advisor of the Embassy of Foreign Affairs in Rome, Ilija Želalić, states that Croatia has stopped the oil exploitation project in the Croatian Adriatic for the purpose of preserving tourism and inviting Italians to do the same, the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs reported that this was a misinterpretation of Italian journalists.

Let us recall, at the “Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Landscape Route” convention this week at Ortoni, the Italian Embassy’s ambassador to Italy has very clearly warned the Italians that they should follow the Croatian example.

“For the sake of protecting its coast, Croatia has stopped the oil exploration platform projects in the Adriatic Sea, and I think that you, in Italy, on the other side of the Adriatic Sea, should consider this possibility. It is a great danger to the Adriatic, “Želalić said.

As the Italian agency ANSA conveyed, he stressed that “the resource of tourism is the most important resource for developing countries bordering on this sea. Oil exists elsewhere.”

It seems that the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs has problems with understanding clear citations calling them wrong interpretations. Would they also distinguish the oil stain from the pure sea and shift their own responsibility to international corporations? To the citizens? The fight goes on.