As a part of the Project “Together for Nature Conservation – Civil Society Organizations for effective European Natura 2000 Network in Croatia“ Associations Sunce and BIOM held a one day seminar “Challenges and opportunities for management of Natura 2000 network in Croatia”.
The seminar, which was held on October 30th 2013 at the Palace Hotel in Zagreb, was attended by over 50 participants, representatives of the Ministry of Envoronmental and Nature Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, the State Institute for Nature Protection, public institutions that manage protected areas, Croatian Waters, Croatian Forests and civil society organizations and the media.
- familiarize participants with the obligations for management of Natura 2000 network and possible governance models
- present the current European and Croatian experiences, best practices and recommendations for the management of Natura 2000 sites and forms of financing
- familiarize participants with the organization and implementation of biogeographical seminars
- discuss forms of involvement and cooperation of civil society organizations, government institutions and long sector in managing Natura 2000 in Croatia