„Together for the Nature and Environment“ is a two year project that was launched in December 2013. The project was co-financed by the EU from European Social Fund and the Croatian Governmental Office for Cooperation with NGOs.
Overall objectives of the project are to raise the quality of life in the Dalmatia region by building cooperation and public participation in environmental and nature protection as well as to reinforce mutual trust between CSOs/citizens and local public authorities in sustainable development decision making processes. |
The project is financed by IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance- EU Fund for the Pre-Accession Assistance in the period 2007–2013 trough Structural fonds and it is implemented within Operational Program Human Resourse Development. Project value is 119 623,70 euros and 60.000,00 euros is co-financed by the EU. Contracting Authority in Croatia is National Foundation for Civil Society Development.
Focus of the project is on cooperation between CSOs and local authority bodies and public institutions. Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sunce is coordinating this project that involves following co-applicants: Ecological Association “Krka” Knin, Town of Knin, Municipality of Kistanje,
Public Institution Nature Park Telašćica, Municipality of Sali,
Public Institution Nature Park Lastovo Archipelago, Municipality of Lastovo. City of Split is project associate.
Public participation in processes regarding environment on local levels is fundamental prerequisite for enforcement and efficiency of adopted decisions that have impact on environment. In order to participate, public has to be well and timely informed.
In Croatia there is already legal framework regarding public participation, access to information and access to justice in environmental matters by which EU law in force has been implemented.
With this project we would like to emphasize the utility of cooperation between public and public authority in various processes regarding environment by conducting following activities:
– Organization of seminars on public participation for representatives of the public authorities and CSOs in Dalmatia
– Organization of training for building facilitation skills of CSOs
– Development and distribution of educational/informational material
– Promotion of public participation and ways of citizens/CSOs involvement through Web and Social networks and by direct consultation through the Green Phone.
Also we are going to introduce innovative tools and models for public participation.
– Interactive City of Split’s map will be developed, available for citizens to inform local government about environmental issues on specific locations.
– Environmental Advisory Boards in City of Split and Šibenik Knin Countywhich should be established during project years.
– Environmental Advisory Boards in Nature Park Telašćica and Nature Park Lastovo Archipelago which will be established through the participatory process of development Sustainable Tourism Strategies for these areas.
With these activities and new tools and models for participation we expect to enhance local CSOs/citizens participation in four Dalmatian county communities for the improvement of environmental and sustainable development policies at local levels.