As of November 2014 Association Sunce is new and so far only Croatian member of Seas At Risk, the European association of non-governmental environmental organisations working to protect and restore to health the marine environment of the European seas and the wider North East Atlantic.
Main topics SAR works on are blue growth, marine litter, fisheries, oceans and climate change, shipping, EU marine strategy and aquaculture.
A key role performed by Seas At Risk is its function as a technical and political platform for its members, providing them with a means of collective intervention in international political and legal meetings of government where they would not otherwise have access. While Seas At Risk pursues issues at the international level, individual Seas At Risk member organisations play an important role by helping to ensure that national government delegations to international meetings are properly briefed and aware of the concerns of their national environment movement.
Seas At Risk has twenty three member organisations in thirteen countries. Members are all national or international environmental non-governmental organisations.