Movie night with Sunce!


This Friday, October 1st, at 17:00 in the Association Sunce offices (Riva, Obala HNP 7) we planned projection of the environmental documentary film “A Plastic Ocean” that will last 1hr 42min.

The first Movie night with Sunce is organized by our volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps as part of the Lifelong Learning Week (Tjedna cjeloživotnog učenja), which takes place from September 27th to October 3rd 2021. The national educational campaign Lifelong Learning Week (Tjedna cjeloživotnog učenja) in Split is organized by the Agency for Vocational and Adult Education (Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih) with the Craft Technical School Split (Obrtno tehničkom školom Split) the long-term regional coordinator of the Week.

The screening of the film “A Plastic Ocean” can be attended by 5-7 people.

After the screening of the film, those gathered will be able to discuss the topic in more detail. The discussion conducted after the film can provide significant and valuable insights because each individual has an important role to play and can make a significant difference.

With this event we will start with the regular screening program of environmental documentaries on various environmental topics every Wednesday with our ESC volunteers Sofija and Ivana as organizers and hosts of the event.

For all additional questions and suggestions you can contact them via e-mail: [email protected].
