Capacity Building of Sunce for Efficient Nature Conservation Projects Implementation

Aim of the project “Capacity Building of Sunce for Efficient Nature Conservation Projects Implementation” is to build internal Sunce capacities related to project management, mentoring and leadership. This will empower Sunce employees to gain new knowledge and develop soft skills necessary to manage projects, teams, integrate new employees, improve personal work performance, and better collaborate with others. This will allow efficient nature conservation projects implementation and ensure long term stability of Sunce.

Project activities:

  • A1. Identification of employees to be engaged in the capacity building activities.
  • A2. Identification of their specific capacity building needs related to project management, mentoring and leadership.
  • A3. Identification of existing suitable capacity building training on the market and development of internal training for knowledge transfer.
  • A4. Engagement of employees in minimum of three capacity building training events.
  • A5. In total minimum 5 Sunce employees participating in some or all three training events.
  • A6. Internal evaluation of trainings attended, with identification of areas for further professional development of participants and internal transfers of gained knowledge.

Donor: Centar za životnu sredinu, project “Support to BIO NET network“ financed by CCFD-Terre Solidaire

Duration: December 20, 2023 – February 20, 2024

Budget: 1.442,11 EUR

Project manager: Zrinka Jakl, MSc in Biology, e-mail: [email protected]