In 2024, we received a total of 129 of your reports. It is important to note that some reports were related to multiple categories, which is why we recorded a total of 136 reported categories in 2024.
For those cases that are listed as unresolved, the necessary measures have mostly been taken by us, but responses from the competent institutions to which they were reported are awaited, while 67 cases have been successfully resolved.
The highest number of reports was related to the category of waste (38 reports), while the second most numerous category of reports this year was marine pollution (29 reports), most of which involved pollution caused by individuals, ships/boats owners or captains.
‘And Where Do You Anchor?’ campaign introduces new ‘sea’ category
During the summer of 2024, Sunce ran a campaign called And Where Do You Anchor?, with the aim of raising awareness among sailors and sea lovers about the importance of preserving the Adriatic Sea. The campaign called on citizens to report cases of marine pollution, which resulted in an increased number of calls to the Green Phone.

As a result, during the summer months of 2024, we received 29 reports of marine pollution, in addition to reports related to waste, which led us to introduce a new category of “sea”. This data will allow us to strengthen our advocacy with the relevant institutions in the next season, aiming for more effective marine protection, given that the growing number of reports indicates a foundation for further amendments or better implementation of the existing legal framework.
We are pleased that we have managed to motivate not only sailors, but also the general public to be more actively involved in the protection of the sea and the coast. The positive response to the campaign encourages us to continue with initiatives that combine education, practical advice and a call for responsible behaviour, because each report contributes to creating the basis for concrete changes.
Examples of good practice and a call for marine conservation
Unfortunately, out of the 29 cases mentioned, we are still awaiting responses for seven of them. However, as an example of good practice, we would like to highlight the reported sewage pipe rupture at the location of Zenta Bay, Split. Following our parallel communication with ViK and JUŠO, the repair of the sewage pipe began in less than two weeks, which is a notably short timeframe compared to our previous experiences. You can read the entire case at LINK.
Due to the introduction of a new category of marine pollution and the increased number of reports from citizens, we have published an article that describes in detail the steps for reporting marine pollution. Find out who needs to be notified about marine pollution HERE.
We have raised awareness about the serious issue of marine pollution, which becomes particularly evident during the summer months due to increased maritime traffic. We emphasized that such pollution can severely threaten the marine ecosystem and the health of local communities. Therefore, we called on everyone to actively participate in preserving clean seas and the environment, as only through collective efforts can we ensure the long-term sustainability of our natural treasures. You can read about the situation on the ground at the LINK.

Unfortunately, the environmental problems in the Vranjica-Solin Basin, which we have been monitoring since 2020, have showed to us an example of a violation of citizens’ rights to timely information about the environment, and thus the constitutionally guaranteed right to a healthy and clean environment. You can read what the Environmental Protection Act says about environmental information HERE.
Visibility of the Green Phone’s work
During 2024, the work of the Sunce Green Phone was accompanied by announcements on various communication channels, ensuring broad visibility and accessibility of the service to citizens. Key information and activities related to the Green Phone were regularly published on the Association’s official platforms, including the website, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and the Sunce’s newsletter.
In addition to our own channels, the work of the Green Phone was reported on by numerous media outlets, such as Televizija Dalmacija, Radio Dalmacija, Slobodna Dalmacija, Dalmatinski portal, Dalmacija News, Portal grada Kaštela, eZadar, and specialized portals suchas Morski.hr, Croatia Week, Green.hr, Kreni zdravo, Generacija.hr, Pomorsko je dobro, Ajme.hr, and Bolja energija.
Cooperation with various media and platforms, including social networks, has ensured that the Green Phone remains recognizable and easily accessible to the public, providing support to citizens in solving environmental problems.
“New Brochure: Step by step to effective reporting of environmental issues”
This year at Sunce’s public events, we introduced a new Green Phone information brochure that provides citizens with a detailed guide on how to report environmental issues and how their reports can contribute to systemic change.
The brochure was officially presented at the 13th Split Biking Tour, where the project manager, legal expert and ESS volunteer answered citizens’ questions at an info stand and encouraged them to participate more actively in environmental protection.

The brochure was also presented to students of the Faculty of Economics in Split at the Professional practice day, where young people were given the opportunity to participate in the DKU practice in Sunce.
At the panel and workshop “Business sector for a sustainable Split: How local action can lead to systemic change?”, organized by Sunce, the work of the Green Phone was presented to representatives of local authorities, the business sector, the academic community and the interested public. Special emphasis was placed on the role of citizen reports in encouraging systemic changes in waste management and the implementation of the circular economy.
Sunce’s annual assembly was also an opportunity to highlight the results of the Green Phone, with the presentation of a brochure that explains in detail how to make a report and the contribution which citizens can give to environmental protection. The brochure contains concrete examples of applications that have resulted in positive changes, along with useful advice for citizens who want to actively participate in environmental protection, and you can download the brochure HERE.
Continuation of the Green Phone in 2025
The Green Phone in 2024 was co-financed through the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, project “Green Phone – Lend your voice to the environment II!”. In 2025, we will continue our dedicated work on your reports, and we thank you for giving us a better insight into the state of the environment in various areas thorugh your calls. Without our shared concern for the environment, effective and timely protection would not be possible.

You can report your environmental problem to the already known number 072 123 456 or contact our lawyers directly via e-mail: [email protected].
We hope that 2025 will be marked by even greater progress in creating a cleaner and healthier environment, as well as a legal framework where citizens can safely and effectively exercise their environmental rights.
Best regards,
Sunce’s Green Phone Team