In the fishing town of Chioggia, Italy, on May 9 and 10, the Kick-off conference for the FishNoWaste project was held. The project’s objective is to develop a synergistic strategy for the comprehensive collection of waste generated by fishing activities, which is produced in trawl fisheries and disposed of in fishing ports. The conference brought together project partners, representatives of local authorities, universities, fishing associations and environmental experts from Italy and Croatia.

Introduction of Fishing Ports
The conference was opened by the mayor of Chioggia, Mauro Armelao, who emphasized the importance of the project for environmental conservation and the promotion of sustainable fishing. In the introduction, Silvia Comiati from the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Italy-Croatia program outlined the implementation plan for the 2024 program.
Professor Alberto Barausse detailed the objectives and activities of the FishNoWaste project, as well as the planned pilot activities for the four fishing ports involved in the project – Chioggia, Brižine, Rimini, and Tribunj.

Vincenzo Viapiano (SST spa) from the port of Chioggia presented activities related to waste collection and management, as well as plans for implementing pilot solutions to reduce waste. From the port of Rimini, Massimo Pesaresi (Cooperative M.A.R.E. S. c. a r.l.) shared experiences in collecting sea waste and recycling discarded fishing nets. Goran Kotur from the Port Authority of Split emphasized the importance of cooperation with local fishermen and utility companies in implementing pilot activities. In her presentation, Dubravka Bojanić Varezić (Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries – Split) highlighted educational activities aimed at students and young people, as well as cooperation with local fishermen in reducing marine waste.
FishNoWaste Project Activities
The FishNoWaste project aims to improve protocols for reducing, collecting and managing waste in fishing ports of the northern Adriatic, with a particular focus on plastic. The project will connect research institutions, fishing associations, fish markets, port authorities, municipalities and NGO-s from Italy and Croatia. They will jointly develop and implement best practices and innovative techniques for waste management.

Sunce will focus on education and raising awareness about the principles of waste reduction, reuse and recycling, as well as marine waste. Sunce will use their communication skills and contacts to implement educational programs and awareness campaigns.
FishNoWaste will actively collaborate with other relevant projects that address similar topics to promote synergy and the exchange of knowledge and experiences. Through joint efforts, innovation and cooperation, the project will contribute to the preservation of the marine environment and the promotion of sustainable fishing, which is vital for the future of the Adriatic Sea and its coastal communities.