The Gast fair, which took place from March 8 to 11 in Split, gathered more than 300 exhibitors and brands from six countries. As part of the fair, the conference How to become/remain a sustainable Dalmatia Green renter? which provided education for renters to invest in the sustainability of business in tourism.
At the new location in the Gripe Sports Center, on March 8, Sunce held an education How to becom/remain a sustainable Dalmatia Green renter?.

– The global tourism industry is increasingly turning to sustainability, and sustainable tourist facilities are becoming an increasingly attractive option among guests. If you want to attract such guests, it is important to know how to provide a sustainable tourist experience. Furnish your facilities in a sustainable way, provide guests with an unforgettable stay in harmony with nature, and choose the Dalmatia Green certificate – said Tihana Arapović, project manager.
What does the Dalmatia Green certificate bring?
The Dalmatia Green certificate brings you many benefits, including tips for saving water and energy by at least 50% and sometimes over 70%. You get discounts on water and energy-saving products from companies in the “green sector”. Through the Dalmatia Green website, you have the opportunity to present and advertise on the worldwide platform for booking ecological accommodation, Ecobnb.
– With the Dalmatia Green certificate, your facility will be recognized as environmentally responsible. This will improve occupancy of the facility in the pre-season and post-season by attracting tourists who want an environmentally responsible stay. The goal of Sunce is to create a sustainable tourist community in Dalmatia and beyond, which will become an example for others – concluded Arapović.

Pursuing a career in sustainable tourism
Students of the Tourism and Hospitality School ,participating in the Sunce’s project Career for Green and Sustainable Tourism, joined the conference with a short panel discussion. Through project activities, students got to know Dalmatia Green members, green tourism businesses, and digital marketing. In today’s age, digital marketing provides valuable knowledge that can greatly help in achieving a career in the field of sustainable tourism.
– After participating in digital marketing workshops, I saw how important it is to have a well-written and targeted text that will reach the target audience. I realized that keywords and subtitles are an indispensable part of a successful text. I was extremely benefited by the optimization of the text content for the search engines of the marketer. Thanks to this experience, I believe that I am ready for further steps in pursuing a career in sustainable tourism and building suitable and attractive content for the target audience – said Nina Delić, a student at the School of Tourism and Hospitality.

Stay tuned to our website as we will soon publish student-written texts. Their goal is to educate readers about the importance of sustainable tourism and environmentally friendly activities. You will also learn how tourist facilities, which already have the Dalmatia Green certificate, apply sustainable practices in their business.
Become a Dalmatia Green renter!
After the education, all those interested could get a Dalmatia Green certificate at an exclusive promotional price. You can also contact us by phone or e-mail at any time. Our experts will be happy to answer all your questions and provide you with the necessary information about the certification process. Do not miss the opportunity to contribute to the preservation of nature and the environment with your business. Contact us and become part of a sustainable tourist community!
Contact: Tihana Arapović, [email protected]
Phone: +385 21 360 779; +385 91 360 7790