Green Phone Semi-annual Work Report 2015.

We’ve entered in the second half of 2015, so it’s time to let you know about the Green Phone’s work in the past half-year.

From January 1 to June 30, 2015, 229 citizen’s calls were received by the Green Phone of the Sunce Association within the framework of the “Partnership for the Environment” project funded by the European Union and co-financed by the OGNGO.

The Green Phone has an open call line for citizens related to the environment.
Calls made to the number 072 123 456 from the landlines from Split-Dalmatia and Dubrovnik-Neretva County are received by the Green Phone of the Sunce Association.
The Green Phone received a total of 229 calls (76 cases have been reported) out of which 126 cases (55%) have been resolved.

Traditionally at the top of the ladder, there are calls for waste, a total of 103 calls (45%), 29 more than at the same time last year. We are pleased to say that we are witnessing an increased interest and citizen participation in the conduct of separate waste collection although the infrastructure does not meet the minimum standards. Unfortunately, if the local authorities do not respond, we quickly risk the opposite effect. Thus, citizens increasingly report locations where there is a need for separate waste collection tanks, which we consider to be an excellent indicator of the will to engage in organizing their environment. We will continue to support the Green Phone and take advantage of all citizens’ suggestions and opinions when participating in the development of new waste management plans in a number of cities and municipalities.

Waste calls are followed by calls classified in the category “animals” (21) and those related to greenery (17). Also in the miscellaneou section (in 19 cases), we find a variety of inquiries related to the municipal problems of the city of Split (most of them are referred to from Split – a total of 147), such as posters, graffiti, old city center, etc.

The Green Phone continues with its work which we will notify you about in early 2016!

“The content of this press release is the sole responsibility of the Sunce Association and can in no way be considered to reflect the views of the European Union and the Office of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for NGOs.”