Hi, I’m Olena from Ukraine. I’m an English-Ukrainian translator (at least that is what my diploma says) and a graphic designer. I work as a freelance illustrator, trying to practice and improve my digital design skills.
I consider myself as a posivite, kind and active person with sometimes utopic thoughts and love to adventures. I like coffee and good people who are not afraid to show who they really are, who are running from routine, and strive to explore this world.
I’m passionate about mountains, sport (hiking, tennis, skiing… anything that makes me move), music and art. I practice playing a guitar and just bought an ukulele before coming here. I like reading and painting outside when the sun is shining. I am a dog- rather than cat-person, listener rather than speaker, and an introvert rather than extravert.
I like children, talking and playing with them, sharing with them some knowledge and experience, and taking from them some curiosity and openness to the world.
I can not stand passive lifestyle, sitting in front of the monitor, olives, gossips, and negative people.

What motivated you to apply for the ESC program?
I was looking for some volonteering, exchange or internship projects not only on ESC platform. I just think it is a good way to explore the world. When you are not only traveling as a tourist but have a chance to live in a country and get a deeper feeling and understanding about the culture and people who are living there. And even better if you can share and contribute to that community in some way.
Besides, the ESC program gives the opportunity to try yourself in some areas that you are interested in, even if you do not have any experience.
Why did you decide to go to Split as part of the ESC program?
I received an invitation-email with the request to apply for the project in Split if I am interested in. The ecology and environment topic was one of my prefererences on ESC platform, the description seemed to be interesting, I saw the ways how I can contribute and what can I get, and I decided to try. And as I have already mentioned above, it is a great way to get experience in the area (in my case ecology) that you are interested, but have a little or no experience in.
What are your first impressions of Split?
There are 3 things I am impressed by: beauty of nature, kind people, view from the window of Sunce office. I dream about going to it’s mountains one day.
Mostly all the people speak English, so it is easy for me to communicate.
Is there anything you’d like to say to all the young people who are thinking about joining the European Solidarity Corps?
I would like to say to everyone who is thinking about joining the ESC – Stop hesitating!
Participating in one of ESC projects, at least once in your life, is definitely worth it. There is much more that you can get than lose (if there is anything you lose actually).
What is it about Ukraine that you miss the most?
Of course, I miss my family and friends the most.
Also my guitar, home warmness and snow.
But I will be back one day…
The project “Solidarity for Green Dalmatia 2021” is funded by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps program.