ESC interview – Angela Trajanova


I am Angela Trajanova, a graduate student at the Faculty of Architecture, at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. I am in favor of nature, architecture, philosophy and art, and I have aspirations for an optimal life. I have a habit to think out and think over, which reflects on my creativity and ambition. I enjoy taking care of nature and friends. I relax by reading, reprogramming myself with physical activity and most often I try to isolate myself somewhere in nature. I love discussions and debate, culture and integration, sea and mountains.

What motivated you to apply for the ESC program?

My motive was the idea that I could really work on solving problems related to nature and the environment justice, or climate change, and my personal motive comes from the interest in architecture. I believe that it is only through work on nature protection that I can learn how to give nature the advantage it needs in architecture.

If I have to answer the question what destroys nature? I will say architecture.

And if I have to answer what destroys architecture? I will condemn the man.

Do I have to answer what destroys a person? I believe that the definitive answer is – human nature, consciousness, sinful ideal and desire.

Worthless materiality takes away humanitarty and that is why I use the ESC platform, thus giving myself the opportunity to be a force of solidarity. Getting to know myself, I also got to know my shortcomings, the desire to work on these shortcomings encouraged me to volunteer and acquire knowledge through personal development.

Why did you decide to go to Split as part of the ESC program?

Probably because of the geographical location, historical affiliation and natural values, but also because of the opportunity to do something real, good and useful for nature, the environment and the people of Split.

What are your first impressions of Split?

A city of opposites. The historical part adapted to capitalism. The inimitable nature suffocated by cars. A unique sea left to the mercy of it’s people. Urbanisation for the purpose of social degradation. Open people on the verge of embracing Western individualization. Huge potential trapped in mismanagement.

Is there anything you’d like to say to all the young people who are thinking about joining the European Solidarity Corps?

After it was taken from us, 2020 and after it was pointed out that we, people, are just counted and useless mechanisms, we must resist (and protect) in a simple way by eradicating our bad habits. Good habits are similar, and bad ones are personal. I am talking here about the fact that if young people have awareness and motivation, through a part of eco-activism, they can realize many desires and pleasures and convey their messages and of course, the most important thing – to save our planet.

What is it about North Macedonia that you miss the most?

The distance from my loved ones is unreal to me. And I miss everything I don’t have here in Split, and I know that when I get back to Macedonia, I’m going to miss everything I’ve created here.

The project “Solidarity for Green Dalmatia 2021” is funded by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps program.
