We are pleased that this year, on the Sunce web-pages (new and improved), you searched for the Green Phone Work Report.
At the very beginning a small reminder of Green Phone model. During working day The green phone works from 08h to 16h, while by telephone answering machine we receive calls from 00h to 24h each day. There are two graduate lawyers Ivana Grubišić and Patricija Granić, and recently volunteer Andrea Gizdić. Therefore, we invite you to continue trusting with helping you solve your environmental problems…
And now something more about the structure of calls themselves!
In 2013, we received a total of 298 cases, of which 210 from the City of Split. Translated into the language of numbers in 2013 we received a total of 15 calls over or 5.3%, and from Split 14 calls or 7.1%. By 31 December 2012, a total of 215 cases or 72.14% cases were solved, but unresolved cases will continue to be resolved in 2014.
Graph 1. Number of calls from Split compared to the total number of calls in the previous three years
Waste-related calls still represent the largest number of calls directed to the Green Phone, so a bad trend continues from previous years.
Graph 2. Calls by categories
Graph 3. Number of calls per month
As in previous years, we notice that the largest number of calls we receive in the spring summer months. We associate this fact with the greater presence of people out on the open.
During Earth Day on 22nd April 2013, we opened the exhibition “ENVIRONMENT AND I” in cooperation with the Split Photoclub, whit which we sought to link our community to environmental problems, raise ecological awareness, and explore and document the state of the environment in Split and the level of urban living culture. The exhibition was visited by 4416 citizens.
Also, during Planet Earth Day in cooperation with Utility Company Čistoća d.o.o. we retired the leaflet “We know where to go with our waste” and distributed it to the citizens of Split and the surrounding area (with a total of 40,000 pieces) together with communal utility payments. As part of the leaflet, information on Green Phone is also highlighted as a service that addresses various environmental issues, including waste issues.
In cooperation with Čistoća d.o.o. We have also organized a school competition called “Before and After – Students for Earth Day” for the best class project related to waste topics and the principles of responsible waste management to reduce, recycle and recycle. The competition involved 11 schools with 18 projects and 542 students involved. The most successful ones won the Green Excursion Award.
During 2013, in cooperation with the City of Split, Info zona and O’Hara Club, on September 22, 2013, we organized a bicycle ride for the European Car-Free Day. The idea of a European Day without a car is a continuation of the World Car Free Day. The bicycle route was organized on the streets of Split to highlight the need for the development of bicycle infrastructure in the City of Split as well as the usefulness of this alternative mode of transportation, but also the fact that the number of cyclists in Split increased. The bicycle ride is organized along with police escort and insurance along the route. The start of the bicycle ride was in front of the Banovina building at 16:00 and ended in front of the O’Hara club where there was a commemorative program with the raffle and the screening of educational films. 100 cyclists participated in the bicycle.
Within the second Žrnov Fair, 22.11.2013. we held a lecture “Composting”, and within the 13th International SASO Fair participated in the round table on waste.
During 2013, we had 3 guest appearances on TV Network, one guest on TV Jadran and one guest for HRT, then several visits to radio Split, radio Sunce and Radio Dalmacija. Green Phone News published various portals: Info zona, Portal of the City of Kaštela, portal of the music club O’Hara. Also, Green Phone cases are published on our official website.
WASTE – Citizens call us the most about information on collecting certain types of waste, for example; electronic wastes, old clothes, automobile wrecks and the filing of illegal waste landfills. We also had several calls for selective waste disposal and the implementation of the new Waste Management Act. It seems that our citizens are increasingly aware of the need for good waste management.
OTHER– There are classified calls under the rubric that we can not classify under one of the categories envisaged and they mostly refer to the town’s decor and condition; plotting in inappropriate places, graffiti, lack of waste points, public order and peace turmoil, table devastation, public places urination, public lighting, disorder of some parts of the city, etc.
GREEN FIELDS– We received a total of 25 calls or 9% of calls concerning green areas. Most of the time, however, calls relates to the design of public city areas for which citizens want to be more decorative, uneducated trees and felling of trees. Citizens note that there are fewer trees in the city that are besieging for parking places. Unfortunately, it is not a rare occurrence that the citizens themselves destroy the trees that bother them for a variety of reasons, most often parking places or views.
TRAFFIC – Traffic related calls are mostly related to traffic on forbidden streets, parking on green areas, removal of traffic ban poles, car wrecks, bad condition of pavements, etc.
ANIMALS – Although our Association does not deal with animals, every year, we also receive a few calls that refer to this issue as well. Last year, calls were mostly linked to city cats, for whose health and propagation seems no one is taking care of, while sometimes they are know to be a problem for our citizens.
AIR – The category of air most invoked refers to air pollution with dangerous smoke from incinerated waste landfills.
NOISE– Noises are mostly related to noise from traffic but also to noise from cafes in the summer months that often do not respect working hours and noise levels.
During the year 2013 we had practitioners from the Chemical Technology School in the field of professional practice, visited and photographed many locations, talked to many people, noticed much better changes in our city, working with volunteers … it was dynamic and interesting. .
We look forward to another new Green Day ……