072 123 456 is the number of Green Phone, a service where citizens across Croatia can talk about various environmental issues and make suggestions, and callers on the phone, activists from civil society organizations, convey information to the relevant institutions.
In the period from 1.1.2016. to 30.6.2016. the citizens of Croatia’s Green Phone contacted us 1263 times.
Graph 1, Entries Received by Member Associations in 2016
The largest number of entries remains in the category of waste. Within this category in 2014, 457 applications were received, which makes more than 36% of the total number of entries.
Graph 2, Entries received by categories in 2016.
Citizens mostly take care of the improper disposal of waste or illegal waste landfills. A positive change in received applications has increased the number of inquiries about the possibilities of separate disposal of individual waste types.
177 (14.01%) citizens’ submissions were received within the category of greenery. In addition to very frequent applications from citizens in urban areas related to maintaining public green areas, the number of parcels on which the ambrosium is growing has increased. This contributes to the individual actions of local authorities calling on citizens to report such parcels.
Although Green Phone’s goal is to encourage citizens to participate actively and to participate independently in solving environmental problems, the fact is that most of your applications have been handed over by the Green Phone activists to the relevant institutions and solved them independently.
In this period as many as 67.27% of the applications are anonymous, which suggests the fear of public outcry that is present in citizens.
The content of this text is solely the responsibility of Pan, Environmental and Nature Protection Association and can in no way be considered to reflect the views of the European Union and the Office of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the Associations.