Sunce launches interactive map for reporting of environmental issues in Split

From October 15, 2014, Sunce launched a new service for the city of Split. This is the first interactive website for Environmental Issues called that enables citizens to anonymously report, in a simple and easy way, environmental or communal problems in Split or to suggest a solution.

By reporting the issue, the Legal Team of the Sunce Association approaches the solution in the most effective way, in cooperation with the competent institutions. The status of the application or the solution proposal can be easily followed by every citizen by entering the page
The “Sinjaj” interactive map was created within the project “Together for Nature and the Environment” co-financed by the European Union from the Social Fund and implemented by Sunce Association. The objectives of the project are to strengthen the mutual trust of citizens and local self-government bodies in matters of nature and environmental protection and to foster public participation in decision-making related to sustainable development.

One of the ways in which the Sunce Association wants to encourage citizen participation is precisely this map, which allows citizens, in only four short steps, to report an environmental problem, or offer a solution to a particular problem/ situation.

We hope that this simple tool will contribute to the better condition of the city of Split and raise the quality of life of our fellow citizens, as well as assisting the competent institutions in solving environmental issues to the satisfaction of all.