For the fifth year in a row, the Association Sunce has been operating as a host organization for international volunteers in the European Voluntary Service program

Obtaining the accreditation for receiving and coordinating projects through the European Voluntary Service (EVS) program, the Association Sunce has been given the opportunity to accept international volunteers through long term volunteer activities since 2015.

In 2019, the EVS program changed its name into European Solidarity Corps (ESC), while the aim remains the same – to provide the young people, aged 18 to 30, with easily accessible opportunities to participate in solidarity activities, while improving their skills and competences for personal, educational, social, civic, cultural and professional development and their active citizenship, employability and transition to the labour market, including support for the mobility of young volunteers, trainees and workers.

With the change of the program name, the Association Sunce again has been given the accreditation opportunity for participating in the ESC program as the organization which can receive 2 international volunteers.

As host organization, the Association Sunce has a role of:

  • developing a volunteer program with activities;
  • ensuring the volunteer attends the entire training and evaluation cycle;
  • offering the volunteer the opportunity to perform a clearly defined set of tasks that will enable the integration of certain ideas, creativity and experience of the volunteer;
  • clearly identifying with the volunteer his/her learning opportunities;
  • providing support in the learning process and in identifying and documenting learning outcomes through the EU of these evaluation tools, in particular Youthpass;
  • supporting volunteers to attend language courses;
  • providing opportunities for integration into the local community, meeting other people, etc.;
  • appointing a mentor whose responsibility is to provide volunteers with personal support and support in introspection, identifying and documenting learning outcomes arising from the activities;
  • providing the volunteer with appropriate accommodation;
  • paying the volunteer the planned allowance on a weekly or monthly basis;

You can find a list of all previous international volunteers who spend their volunteer service in the Association Sunce through the EVS and ESC program HERE.