Social entrepreneurship is one of the relatively new concepts in economics and rests entirely against the goals of today’s dominant market economy. The goal of social entrepreneurship is to solve critical social problems in a sustainable way.
The crisis faced by the world clearly shows that changes in the way of functioning of society, but also of markets and economics, are necessary. Social entrepreneurship is one of the answers to the challenges we face as a society. The main feature of social entrepreneurship is that the goal is not just to create profit but to fulfill social tasks as well.
Social entrepreneurship is a concept that integrates the creation of economic and social values. In other words, it is entrepreneurship with ethical integrity in order to maximize social value, not just private value or profit. |
From February 2011 to March 2012, the Sunce Association was included in the one-year NESsT Training and Mentoring Program for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship. Within the program, a series of workshops were carried out, we evaluated the organizational readiness of the Association Sunce, produced a feasibility study and a final business plan “Green Day Out – Nature in paradise under the educational leadership of the Association Sunce” for which we were awarded Best Business Award at the event.
Apart from working on the development of its own social entrepreneurship, the Association Sunce is actively involved in monitoring the development of social entrepreneurship in Croatia and in the world as well as lobbying and advocating for creating a stimulating environment for its development.